I love helping individuals celebrate each stage of life; from birth, Bar/Bat Mitzvah, marriage, to death. Each life cycle event is focused on the individual and uniquely created to capture the essence of each person. I am experienced with traditional Jewish ceremonies and familiar with the practices of different faiths; I am sensitive and available for interfaith ceremonies. I enjoy artfully crafting rituals that are warm, welcoming and inclusive for everyone involved.

Baby Namings

It is so joyful welcoming a new baby into this world. It is doubly joyful welcoming a baby into the Jewish community by giving the child a Jewish name. It is said: “There are three crowns—the crown of Torah, the crown of priesthood and the crown of sovereignty—but the crown of good name surpasses them all.” (Ethics of Our Fathers 4:13)
Let’s create a beautiful ceremony for your child and bless them with a good name!

Lifecycle baby namings

Bar/Bat Mitzvahs

I have been assisting students and officiated at Bar/Bat Mitzvah services for over 3 decades. I am well versed in all aspects of what it means for a young person to become an adult in the Community of Israel. This passage is so powerful for parents, grandparents and family it deserves special attention and guidance. This is quite an influencial time for your son or daughter. It is a wonderful time to instill a love of Judaism and bind them to our people. Allow me to guide your child on this path.

Lifecycle bar mitzvah


Have you found your person, the person who will compliment you perfectly? Then perhaps you have proposed and it is time to begin planning the wedding. This is a very exciting time! A time when you give your dreams wings to fly. It could be an interfaith ceremony or a traditional one that will seal your love; either way it should be something that reflects who the two of you are. It should speak to the nature of your love and your relationship. Whether you are looking for a traditional service, a spiriJEWal service, or a service that simply reflects the unique love the two of you share let’s create it together. I look forward to getting to know you and creating that perfect ceremony for you.

Lifecycle Weddings

Last Days of Life | Funerals

The last days of a loved one’s life is a time of sadness, contemplation, memories, drained emotions, and overwhelming unknowing. In our tradition we have powerful prayers to help the dying make the transition to the next world. Allow me to lovingly assist your family and aid your loved one in leaving this world in peace and reconciliation.

When it is time to part with our loved ones, we feel like we never had enough time with them. We wish for one more moment, one more hug, one more touch. The Hebrew word for funeral is Levayah meaning to escort. We are called to escort the one who has passed to their final resting place as soon as possible. It is the greatest Mitzvah we can do for them. With sensitivity, kindness, and warmth I will support you every step of the way and help make a devastating moment in life bearable for you and your family.

Lifecycle Funeals

Words from My Past Clients